What a journey! I was in the ‘plane for a long time and it felt as if we were flying over a lot of water. Then it felt like a long white cloud underneath us. I could feel that it was hot outside when the hatch door opened. Belindat told me that some countries celebrate New Year in the summertime. I guessed that maybe I was now South of the Equator. I went into the airport with all the other boxes. Then back out on a smaller plane this time and into a post van. This morning my driver picked me up and we drove around and about. There seemed to be a lot of hills and I thought that I heard waves on a beach a couple of times. Eventually I had that excited feeling I always get when I am being carried up a path. The delivery person saw emjaydee get up when we walked past the big window. So we didn’t even ring the doorbell. She was there almost as soon as the box was placed on the doormat. It was nice to stretch my legs and climb out of the box. I called mother and then asked if I could explore the Christmas tree. It looks interesting. Emjaydee told me that I am in Te Wai Pounamu the land of precious greenstone waters in Aotearoa. When European settlers came they called it South Island of New Zealand but I like the indigenous name best. This city is Dunedin. It is summertime but has been colder than usual this year. Today is nice and warm. When emjaydee opened the box I was surprised to see she has bare feet and is wearing a tee shirt. The bird in the tree is from Tasmania in Australia and told me about the terrible fires in their homeland. We both hope that the humans can learn to care more for our mother earth. But now it’s time to get to know this new part of the world