Greetings from New York’s Finger Lakes Region! Day 1 was off to an exciting start. Sam picked me up from the post office a little after 9. She was all a flutter with jumbled apologies about leaving me off to myself for so long. Apparently I had been waiting for a week since landing after my long trip overseas from Australia. I told her I hadn’t even noticed! I must have been so jet-lagged (day is night and night is day when it comes to the time difference between Australia and the United States) so I must have needed that bit of extra rest to refuel my batteries (I’m told I must be related to the Energizer Bunny because I can just keep going and going and going).

Last night, I could have sworn I heard some mutterings about a new adventure as I drifted in and out of slumber. So, by the time this morning came, I was ready to get started right away!

Sam was dreadfully slow about taking me out of my box, though. As excited as she was to see me, something stopped her in her tracks for a bit. There was a delightful smell coming from my box, which I had almost forgotten about as my nose had gotten used to it. equine had sent me off with some lovely smelling soaps, yarn, and a project bag as a gift (Sam told me to thank you so much for your generosity!) and Sam had to take a moment to just savor the smell before remembering we still hadn’t met yet!

I remembered that today was Valentine’s Day, and asked if she would be my Valentine. She was delighted, and said that she would be happy to!

Sam told me it was time to head to work, but before we set off I heard a noise from behind us. Was it the sound of cars driving past? Nope! There is a waterfall at the end of Sam’s street, and you could see it from where we sat in front of the post office! I begged her to go and take a look before we officially set out. Sam told me it was awfully cold, however; it was 13 degrees this morning, the coldest it’s apparently been all week. She didn’t want me to catch a cold after coming straight from summertime, and without any bunny-sized winter wear available. I told her not to worry, as I can grow my own coat in quite fast.

We parked right in front and I nearly squealed with excitement as I saw the leftover snow on the grass. I missed snow, and just couldn’t wait to sink my paws back in. There were some snow clusters that looked like it was perfectly shaped to be a bunny fort, and I darted and played around for a bit before remembering just why we were here: the falls!

Sam told me that sometimes, it can get so cold that the water freezes in place! I got the best of both worlds today: I got to see the water move, while taking in the pretty colored ice clumps at the bottom.

Then, it was off to work. I was so excited to find out where I was going: a farm animal sanctuary!! Sam is a writer, and works with a group that rescues farm animals from mistreatment, and then takes care of them there for the rest of their lives. I’m so excited to meet some of her animal friends during my stay, and to learn more about their stories. I heard the sanctuary is also a bit of a haven for wildlife, as birds, deer, and even bunnies like me can pass through knowing they are safe from harm.

Even in all my excitement, we had to make a few stops along the way. The view was just so pretty that I begged Sam to take a closer look. The way the snow covered the tree branches made my little heart sing. We stopped for a few pictures, as no cars were coming and it was safe to stop. Or, was it? Sam put the car back in drive, and we started falling back a bit instead! Probably not the best idea to stop in a zone where a little momentum was needed - oops! So, we were able to safely turn around, go back the way we came, and turn back around again to drive back over the snowy hill properly and get to work.

Once we got to work, I met a few of Sam’s coworkers and got myself situated at her desk. Sam ate her breakfast at her computer, and to my delight she had something for me too: carrots! Her coworker, Ashley, said I should pose in front of one of Sam’s bags, as it has lots of yummy produce on it. Ashley was very nice, and she called me Gulli even before knowing that was my nickname!

Part of Sam’s job includes checking up on the animals through the farm’s live cameras. People from all around the world can see the rescued sheep, cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens, goats, and other animals and ask questions about them. I can’t wait to meet them all, but Sam said it’ll have to wait until next week when the weather warms up a bit; one adventure out in the cold was enough for today! In the meantime, I got to check out some of the sheep on camera. But I must have dozed off from counting sheep, as Sam said I started snoring a bit!

I also got to learn about the animals that people could “adopt” for Valentine’s Day. These animals met and fell in love after being rescued, and their friendship helped them all heal from past physical and emotional trauma. It was really lovely to learn about Yoda llama and Felicity sheep, Pippi and Forrest calves, and Jane and Sebastian pigs. I wish all animals could feel the love on Valentine’s Day, and always.

I thought I’d have a little say in that, actually. Sam is working on a story about two newly rescued chickens. It looked good, but I thought it still needed something. There, now that’s better!

After work, we came home and I met Sam’s cat, Lorna. We even got to eat dinner together! Sam set my broccoli bowl on the ground next to Lorna; she has a couple bowls of knitted broccoli and veggies and said that people always get a good laugh out of seeing it there! Lorna at first thought the broccoli was for her. She sniffed the bowl, then sniffed me, and then went back to eating.

Afterwards, Sam and Lorna played and then napped together. I took a little cat-nap (giggle) as well, before writing today’s journal. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings! Sam hopes I’m not too bored this weekend, because she often uses the time to just relax and knit and not go anywhere. But I’m excited to meet the other yarn animals here, and she said we do have some brunch plans for Sunday so there is plenty to look forward to!