Remember that pink knitting that Suzieqtee was doing the other day?

Well you'll never guess who it was, another bunny. I have to admit that I was a bit surprised and shocked when she told me that all bunnies are knitted by loving hands. Wow! Will I have something to share when I get back home!

Here I am saying goodbye to Poppy, the new bunny, who is going to her forever home and hello to Pinkie who just came off Suzieqtee’s needles. 

She also showed me how she turns t-shirts, well jersey sheets actually, into friends.

Start with a large Jersey (t-shirt) bed sheet. 

Cut back and forth, back and forth… back and forth… until you get a really long strip. It’s a lot of cutting 

Then carefully tug on the strips in sections to stretch the material and it rolls into a tube. It made a great nest at this stage.

Wind up and now you have t-shirt yarn. Do you suppose this will become another bunny to keep Suzieqtee company when I have to leave?