I’ve arrived in Northern Ontario!!

No sooner had I emerged from my travelling case than I was treated to a world of green. Taleweaver said I came at just the right time because all the trees were leafing out.

Then we were off to the home renovations store where I helped them pick out a new ceiling fan! 

Here I am helping choose cedar to finish off their bathroom remodelling project. 

As a reward, we went to somewhere called ‘Tim Hortons’ for a snack. Apparently it is a donut shop chain that a famous hockey player started a long time ago. I thought it was very interesting that Taleweaver’s mother used to know the man, whose name really was Tim Horton. He used to play hockey for the Toronto Maple Leafs. 

Now this is my kind of snack! Taleweaver didn’t want her lettuce anyway…


After that, we went to the yarn store. I saw many different kinds of yarn, but Taleweaver was looking for a specific one to help her finish a lap blanket that she was making. She said that when it was finished, it would bring comfort to someone who was very sick and undergoing medical treatment to get better. I think she called it carrotherapy. No wait, that’s not it….chemotherapy, that’s it. So I took my job very seriously and finally found what she said was just the right dye lot…whatever that means. 

On the way home, Taleweaver and her family showed me a place in the woods where there is a very big waterfall! They called it Beaver Falls, but I never saw any falling beavers, no matter how closely I watched. As you can see, I watched very closely! 

I got tired, so we all went home.

Here I am calling Mother to let her know I made it safe and sound to my next host’s house.

I met Taleweaver’s German Shepherd, Harley. Apparently he is a very tough customer who guts his toys, so I was not left unsupervised! I was very frightened at first, but Taleweaver and her wife reassured me by promising they would keep me safe.

And then I met Olivier Owl. He was very nice too, if quiet.

Taleweaver cooked dinner on something called a barbeque. I wanted to help, but she said it was very dangerous since it involved flames. And besides, there were a lot of small flies, so I was happy to stay inside. She made me grilled carrots! I had never had those before. I like tops best, but it’s good to try new things too. 

Then it was time for bed. Olivier, who insists he is French, came and told me stories and we’ve become good friends. Here we are in my bed. He was telling me about the time he was nearly picked up by a hawk! 

Whew! I had quite a busy first day, didn't I?