It’s been a quiet start to my stay here. The cold was a bit of a nasty shock after balmy Florida - I thought I had left snow and winter behind on the far side of the pond! Thankfully a friend of Nutmouse's loaned me with a nice warm scarf to wear.

Today I went to work with her and explored the university campus a bit. 

Nutmouse nixed ice-skating on the campus ‘frog pond’ - it’s been above freezing mid-day most of this week, and she wasn’t too sure of the ice. But I was ready to head back in by then anyway! Can I say brrr?

Here I am hanging out with Roger, the famous library kiwi, who has his own little work station at the main circulation desk. It was Roger who loaned me that scarf I'm wearing - note the school colors! (And yes, they said that they know the colors are hideous. Supposedly they were chosen on the theory no one else would have the same colors.) 

And, of course, I did a bit of flirting with all the pretty girls! Meet Valerie, one of Nuthouse's favorite student workers, who’s also a sucker for small and cute. We got along swell. Roger said that he owes most of his desk set-up to her talents.