Our bike trip yesterday was postponed. Cathy has a dodgy back and irritated it (probably the weight of the turtle) so we decided to rest and recuperate. Motorcycling is awesome but is physically much harder than driving. Another day spent knitting and sewing. We also let Gizmo play outside while wearing a harness. Here we are kissing on the deck.

And a better picture of that massive turtle.

Today we are going to Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary to pick up injured birds for transport to Shades of Hope who seem to be the preferred bird rehab location. After that we will go to work in Barrie teaching motorcycle riding.

Friday update: we drove to Aspen Valley to pick up a car load of birds. Here I am with the lovely TOFT crocheted cardinal.

A quick stop between the 2 sanctuaries to enjoy the scenery:

After a long hot ride with a VERY ANGRY DOVE who kept bouncing and vocalizing in the car we arrived at our destination with a raven, a hawk, the dove and 2 small songbirds:

It is a long weekend so traffic northbound was a nightmare! We found a back way that avoided a long haul in dense traffic AND found a little beach for another rest:

Later we attended a motorcycle lecture. It is the first course of the season (delayed due to COVID 19) and we are hosting remote lectures. Here is Cathy’s boss delivering that lecture (look carefully to find Pip and I)

Wow what a long day….. out of the house before noon and home just before 11pm.