Saturday activities: We left the house at 6:30 am so Cathy could go to work teaching motorcycle riders and afterwards testing them on a road test. We stayed in the car all morning while the riders practiced their maneuvers on the college campus roads. After lunch the real craziness began….

Did I mention it was the long weekend? Traffic on the highway northbound was moving at 40 km/h (speed limit is 100)  So first we got our 5 riders ready wearing traffic vests and radios. Then the group ride began going south on the highway followed by Cathy and her driver in a car (not busy at least) then suddenly we heard Cathy say ‘oh F%K’. (sorry little bunny ears)

3 riders missed their highway exit but 2 took the exit…. what to do??? The car followed the 2 riders and coached them back to the college where we waited for the other 3 riders to find their way back. Then a resumption of the ride with all 5 riders to finish the lesson and coaching part of the day. Finally we followed the riders one by one as they drove their test - back on the same busy highway. 4 were successful but one was not. We were very familiar with Barrie roads by the time it was over. Another long day…. Cathy was too tired and stressed for photos.