I hope she passes too. She’s in that naughty adolescent phase 

Equine had the pleasure of puppy sitting her former boss’s dogs over the past three years and only one didn’t make it for medical reasons. After work, equine dragged me out to meet the Knittaz. A hip and happening group of ladies who knit up in the mountains. Most are teachers and mothers, one works in a yarn store, one designs knitwear, one is a make up aficionado and the host, well… she baked me a carrot cake  in a family pie maker!

Equine spent the evening having “baby panda” sleeping on her chest. Baby panda is a month old, is very cute and adorable, likes to sleeping on his side when being cuddled and answers to “Archer”.

In the morning equine was late getting to work. Oops! Mum said Australians work hard and party harder. I’ll have to watch this national habit, study it and learn from it. For research purposes of course! 

Equine is planning after work drinks for her colleagues. Her boss is not giving the team the support they need so this is one way of bringing people together.

We stopped by the park on the way home and had a look at the Yarra River. There’s supposed to be some sort of competition between Melbourne and Sydney but equine says Melbourne wins hands down on account of the coffee, fashion and the possibility of actually walking on their river. Sydney can’t compete with that!

This isn’t so bad. I think I’ll enjoy Australia. The weather in Melbourne is a bit crazy with a top of 39 degrees Celsius one day 18 degrees the next. Equine says the best thing about Melbourne over any other place on earth is that just when you get sick of the heat in summer, you are blessed with a few days of cool weather to recover. In winter, just when you start getting sick of the cold, they are blessed with a few warm days of 26 degrees Celsius or more and the news shows families having fun at the beach.

This is one crazy town! 

The rain helped a lot. Over an inch in some places but with the trees damaged by fires, there’s risk of landslides in some places and ash getting into the reservoirs.

Gulli’s been having heaps of fun! Babies, knitters, people I work with and people who matter. He doesn’t know it yet but I’ve lined up a special treat for the weekend.

You’ll see a photo of baby panda sleeping on equine, he’s got such a wise old face, scrawny legs and already developing signs of being a tall lad despite being so tiny! Those ladies are a right royal scream! They’re so up to date on the latest shows like Miss Maisey, they have the best book collections and their yarn stash is so luxurious I almost considered hiding away in it but equine is too smart to let me get away with that!

We drove home along the Yarra, it literally looks like a river of chocolate! A truly amazing sight!! equine won’t let me swim in it though so I’ll never really know what it tastes like and she won’t let me dive in it either so I can’t even see what treasures were thrown into it!

Apparently, there is a big competition between Melbourne and Sydney to see which is the better place to live. Equine has lived in both.

People in Melbourne say that if you get a bowl of spaghetti, give it a gooooood shake and throw it up against the wall, you will end up with a relatively good map of Sydney. The city was first inhabited by the convicts that arrived in Australia in the 1770’s.

People in Sydney say that the Yarra is so dirty, you can practically walk on water. You can’t apparently, you’ll either sink or float away. Sydney people don’t know what they are talking about! The chocolate colour is from the mud that is washed down from the mountains.