After a much shorter trip this time, I am back in Chicago. Here I am just minutes after I arrived where Magpyewerks works.

Two soon-to-be friends were on hand and excitedly helped Magpyewerks open my box.

Here I am with all the lovely souvenirs from my time in Canada!

Seely and Otterly were very welcoming and we made friends right away!

Once l rested, I was ready to call Mom.

When we got to Magpyewerks' house I was kind of hungry, so first order of business was a snack. We had some nice squash tempura.


After that, I got to meet the rest of the squad who live there.

I was especially happy to meet StrudelKitty, who was found under a bench at O’Hare Airport. We had a lot to talk about!

Finally tonight, after we've had a bit of a rest, we will do a little baking for the new year (Rosh Hashanah). The original plan was to make a honey cake , but another option really caught my interest.

Magpyewerks said that if there’s time, maybe we will do both :D