We started today with tea from belindat and toast. Yesterday we did some baking which you can also see still on the table

We made friands and Gelvude Koek.

Today was a church day. It was interesting that for Christians it is still Christmas until Epiphany tomorrow. I saw all the decorations that had been made for the Christmas tree in the church.

I put some groceries into the box for the food bank.

I liked the colourful windows and climbed right up to see the rope to ring the bell. It was a long way down.

Outside I found a statue of Dr Stuart, the first minister at Knox Church. He had a long trip to Dunedin from Scotland. It took even longer than my travels because he came on a boat.

There are friendly folks everywhere and I felt right at home with the Knox animals

I hopped in emjaydee’s knitting bag to come home.