You might think this is a pushmi-pullyu, like from Dr. Dolittle, but it’s really two calves who are in a small field by themselves because they are being weaned from their mothers. The dolls all call them the Bawl Babies because they make the awfulest racket you ever did hear. You would think there were ten of the the way they carry on. The first night was the worst with their mothers adding to the racket. The Mister says they have to get the bawls out. I was glad to hear that it only lasts a few days, but I can tell you this is not the best time to be a bunny with sensitive ears.

These next cows are called replacement heifers. They live in a larger field on the other side of the house. They are young cows who haven’t had their first calf yet. They stay away from the herd until they get bigger, so they can eat in peace.

This thing is called a cultivator. The Mister pulls it behind a tractor to make the ground ready for seeds.

I learned that cows are very curious creatures and will come right up to the fence when Dawn is taking photos. They want to know what is going on.

This is Gerda. She is one of the two dogs who live here. They both stay in the house and run outside too. They love to go on the farm with the Mister. This one whines and carries on if he is doing something that would be dangerous for her and makes her stay in the house. She will lay by the door looking miserable until he comes back. She said to tell you that her mother is a registered English Setter and her father is a registered German Shepherd who lives next door. She loves to chase birds and barks and jumps in the air when they fly over the yard.

More soon.
